
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein

Public Outreach

Sharing academic knowledge with various communities is at the heart of our projects. We offer a series of outreach activities for our community stakeholders:

  • Policy recommendations on selected issues
  • YouTube channel with short expert interviews on issues of democracy, migration, memory politics, EU topics or Canada-Europe relation
  • Blog
  • Free and open to public events
  • Inclusive media outreach for junior and senior scholars
  • Open access experts  database
Scholarly Expertise

We are a public outreach platform – that makes scholarly knowledge available and meaningful to the public in times when the need for evidence based knowledge and public debate is crucial.  We pursue this objective by:

  • Promoting scholarly expertise through a comprehensive experts database
  • Featuring scholars profile in video interviews and media alerts
  • Including senior scholar in Blog contributions
  • Showcasing selected publications of scholars
Youth Engagement

One of our main goals is to connect young minds, create a venue for  brainstorming and promote their work. We do this by:

  • Involving young scholars in events (CEDoD pre seminars)
  • Offering essay competitions
  • Inviting young writers to contribute to the Blog
  • Video series with young scholars
  • Specific Training of young scholars how to use social media safely in an academic environment
  • Mentorship offers for developing policy recommendation
  • Offering internships and volunteer positions
  • Team oriented work with students when developing educational materials
Learning Tools

A constitutive part of our projects is dedicated to the development of  knowledge tools and training activities. These involve:

  • Developing project publications for young scholars with training purposes
  • Training High School teachers on specific topics
  • Producing educational videos and materials
Transatlantic Networks

Our goal is to foster the Canada Europe Transatlantic Dialogue creating long-term transnational networks of scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds; producing innovative and impactful scholarly research within our networks; and support the process of informing public policy making. With this goal in mind, EUCAnet:

  • Brings together research groups on issues of
    • Europe-Canada relations
  • Features network and project collaborations in our database
    • Network on Migration
    • Network on Democracy
    • Network of ECSA-C members
  • Develops a network on  Memory Politics with experts in Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland
Comparative Analysis & Publications

Bringing together leading scholars from Canada and the EU, our platform creates a much needed comparative transatlantic perspective on:

  • Migration
  • The state of democracy
  • Memory politics