Matt James gives a keynote on “The Politics of Reconciliation and Hatred in Canadian Memory Controversies”

(partner of EUCAnet’s Jean Monnet Network European Memory Politics) gives a keynote on
“The Politics of Reconciliation and Hatred in Canadian Memory Controversies”

Friday, Jan 21st, 16:00 Ghent time – 7:00 am Vancouver time

at the online workshop
organized by Alina Cherviatsova and Eva Brems, Ghent University.
The workshop is organized within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research project ‘To Destroy or to Preserve? Monuments, Law and Democracy in Europe’ (MELoDYE*) hosted by Ghent University.
Matt James is expert on the politics of reparation and transitional justice and also has expertise in the fields of Canadian politics, constitutionalism, and social movement studies. He is the author of Misrecognized Materialists: Social Movements in Canadian Constitutional Politics (University of British Columbia Press) and has published on reparation, memory, and political apology in journals such as the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Citizenship Studies, Human Rights Review, and International Journal of Transitional Justice. He also produced for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada a major research report on truth commissions, victims, and perpetrators around the world.