Tag Archive for: memory and culture

Corrosive Comparisons and the Memory Politics of “Saming”: Threat and Opportunity in the Age of Apology
New Article in the Special Issue: Reimagining Political Identity…

Special Issue on Memory Politics and the Resurgence of Nationalism and Right-Wing Populism”
Open AccessArticles / Special Issue Reimagining Political Identity…

BLOG: Exploring European Memory Politics in Europe on a Study Tour with 18 students from Canada
Undergraduate and graduate students were exposed to experiential…

Some Aesthetic Aspects of Holocaust Memorialization
This post began on the train from Budapest, Hungary to Klagenfurt,…

Engaging Generation Z in Topics of Collective Memory & History: Thoughts from the 2023 European Memory Politics Conference
On June 14th, 2023, I had the privilege of co-presenting with…

BUDAPEST Conference “Memory Politics in Europe – Towards a Deepening East-West Divide?”
On June 14-16, 2023 the Jean Monnet Network European Memory Politics…

Graffiti as an example of public memory politics
In Vienna, there is a statue of one of the city’s mayors. During…

Study Tour in European Memory Politics: An extraordinary learning experience and engagement with youth
UViC’s Jean Monnet Network in Memory Politics launches one…

Congratulations to Ann-Kathrin McLean for successfully defending her PhD
Ann-Kathrin McLean ( former Konrad Adenauer Canada fellow in…

Towards a Deepening East-West Division of Europe? Interests, Identity, and Memory in Times of Crisis
Summer School: Location and date: Hamburg Institute for Advanced…