Memory Politics and Activist Memory – Dr. Dovilė Budrytė
December 18, 2022/by Beate SchmidtkeMemory Politics and Past Injustices – Interview with Dr. Carles Fernandez-Torne, Spain
December 18, 2022/by Beate SchmidtkeMemory Politics – Democracy and Social Inclusion – Dr. Birte Wassenberg
December 18, 2022/by Beate SchmidtkePreservation, Destruction, Transformation – Podcast
November 25, 2022/by Beate SchmidtkeInterview with Jenny Wüstenberg: Memory Politics in Germany
February 15, 2022/by Beate SchmidtkeInterview with Astrid Erll – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 27, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Peo Hansen – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 27, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Peter Verovšek – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 27, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Siomonn Pulla – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 26, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Geoffrey Bird – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 26, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Brigitte Kather – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 26, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Bernd Scherer – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 26, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenInterview with Ambassador James Bindenagel – Past Injustices, Current Realities
January 26, 2022/by Laurence ClaussenOliver Schmidtke: Exploring the Rise of Populism and the Threat to Liberal Democracy
January 8, 2021/by Laurence ClaussenChantal Mouffe: The crisis of democracy – interview at the University of Victoria
November 12, 2020/by Laurence ClaussenYoung Scholar, Thibault Biscahie, specializes on France and the EU
September 13, 2020/by Laurence Claussen
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