Tag Archive for: seminar

Solving the Gordian Knot: the formation and evolution of minority protection regimes in Poland
Halicka, Beate (2020). Solving the Gordian Knot: the formation…

The Spectre of Populism: A Threat to Liberal Democracy? Lecture by Oliver Schmidtke
In this talk, organized by the University of British Columbia…

Catalonia-Spain: A Comment on “Self-determination: Failures and Successes”, by Pablo Ouziel
By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria

DEMOCRACY HERE AND NOW – The exemplary case of Spain, by Pablo Ouziel
By Pablo Ouziel, Centre for Global Studies at the University…

The Impact of the Migrant Crisis on Human Trafficking – Insights to the Work of PAYOKE, by Jasmine Pathak
By Jasmine Pathak, EU Study Tour 2019, student and Director…

Separation Anxiety, by Robert Gould
By Robert Gould, Carleton University
On March 14th while living…

DEMOCRACY and its FUTURES: Moving away from Jargon and Excessive Theoretical Baggage, by Ryan Beaton
Graduate students in Victoria, Canada, debate the approach…