Our Experts

Hervé Moritz

Dr. Moritz is the President of Le Mouvement Européen (France) as of December 2022. He joined the European Movement in 2011.He is a former Young Europeans Volunteer, secretary general, advocate, editor of the Taurillon and president. He is a graduate of the University of Strasbourg and instructor of International relations at Sciences Po Strasbourg.      

Movement Européen


Svensson, Sarah

Dr. Svensson is Senior Lecturer at the Halmstad University. She takes a special research interest in policy formation and governance structures in European cross-border regions and has published on that topic in Eurasian Geography and Economy, Journal of European Integration, Regional & Federal Studies, Territory/Politics/Governance, Regions & Cohesion, Journal of Borderlands Studies and various edited volumes. She is the co-editor of two edited volumes and one special issue. She is Associate Editor of the Peace and Democracy Section of the […]

Halmstad University


Mat, Fazila

Fazıla Mat is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Victoria in the faculty of Political Science under the supervision of Dr. Oliver Schmidtke. Fazıla holds an MA degree in Humanities from the University of Milan and she has worked for over ten years as a journalist and commentator for Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa and other Italian and Swiss media, covering Turkish politics, EU-Turkey relations, issues concerning migration and civil society.  For OBC Transeuropa she also carried out […]

University of Victoria


Claussen, Laurence

Laurence Claussen is a recent graduate from the University of British Columbia. He completed his MA in Political Science in November 2020, focusing on US politics, migration, ethics in democracy, and public opinion. He had previously completed his BA in History from the University of Aberdeen, where his studies focused on modern political theory, European history, Western ethics, and the politics of conflict and terrorism. Currently, Laurence is an Assistant to the Jean Monnet Projects for EUCAnet. In this role […]

University of Aberdeen, University of British Columbia


Exadaktylos, Theofanis

Dr Theofanis Exadaktylos is Senior Lecturer in European Politics at the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey. His current research interests include Europeanization of foreign policy, politics of austerity in Europe, issues of policy implementation and political trust, the current Eurozone crisis from the perspective of the rise in populism, pathways to political engagement in Europe and the rise of populism and the emergence of national stereotypes in the media. Dr. Exadaktylos is the co-editor of Research Methods in […]

University of Surrey


Fischer, Franziska

Franziska Fischer currently pursues her Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Victoria in the faculty of Political Science under the supervision of Dr. Oliver Schmidtke and in collaboration with the Centre for Global Studies. She successfully balances her academic career and the arrival of her first child in January 2019. Franziska holds an MA joint degree in Erasmus Mundus Global Studies from the University of Leipzig and the University of Wroclaw with an additional research semester at Dalhousie University in […]

Department of Political Science, University of Victoria


Maley, Terry

Terry Maley is Associate Professor at the Department of Politics, York University. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto and a MA in Social and Political Thought from York  University. His research interests lie in the areas of Critical Theory (Marcuse and Adorno), radical democratic theory (Sheldon Wolin), twentieth century political and social thought (Max Weber, Hannah Arendt), Marx and 20th century Marxism, theories of the state and neoliberalism. Global democratic, ecological, social and protest […]

York University


Laible, Janet

Janet M. Laible is Associate Professor of Political Science at Lehigh University and Executive Director of the British Politics Group, a related group of the American Political Science Association. She has research interests in the territorial politics of the United Kingdom, social welfare and inequality in the European Union, the role of data sciences in public policy and decision-making and methodology. Dr. Laible is currently working on a book about the territorial dimensions of the trans-Atlantic relationship. She is also […]

Lehigh University


Hellman, Stephen

Stephen M Hellman is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Politics, York University. He holds a PhD from Yale University. Hellmans research interests are in the fields of comparative politics, European politics and Marxist theory, especially in European (especially Italian) left-wing and labour politics as well as twentieth century Marxism.   Research Interests: Comparative politics, European politics, Marxist theory.

York University


Haußner, Stefan

Sefan Haußner (MA) is research associate at the Jean-Monnet-Chair of European Integration and European Politics. He is alumnus of the Masters programme “MA Survey Methodology” at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Previous he successfully completed the Bachelor programme “Politics and Society” at the University of  Bonn. The focus of his studies is on methods of empirical social research. Through his MA degree programme he acquired extensive knowledge of quantitative and qualitative methods, particularly in the area of data collection and analysis. […]

Universität Duisburg-Essen


Halikiopoulou, Daphne

Dr. Daphne Halikiopoulou (PhD LSE) is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics. She has written extensively on radical nationalism, the politics of exclusion as well as the cultural and economic determinants of far right party support. She is author of Patterns of Secularization: Church, State and Nation in Greece and the Republic of Ireland (Ashgate 2011); co-editor of Nationalism and Globalisation: Conflicting or Complementary (Routledge 2011 with  Sofia Vasilopoulou); and co-author of The Golden Dawn’s Nationalist Solution: Explaining the rise of […]

University of Reading


Guerrina, Roberta

Roberta Guerrina is Professor of Politics and an expert in EU gender politics and policies. She is interested in understanding the impact of gender (hierarchies) on key policy areas traditionally seen as gender neutral, such as Brexit, Security and Defence. Curently she is working on the uninteded gender consequences of the UK’s withdrawl from the EU. She has published in the area of Brexit; Women, Peace & Security; work-life balance; Identity politics and the idea of Europe. She is currently […]

University of Bristol


Giurlando, Philip

Dr. Philip Giurlando is a Assistant Professor at Trent University, Department of Political Studies. He completed his BA in Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University in 2007. At Queen’s University (Kingston) he completed an MA in International Politics in 2008 and a PhD in Comparative and International Politics in 2013. His research interests include European Politics, populism, the politics of emotion and the politics of international hierarchies. He published a book titled Eurozone Politics (2015). Currently, Philip Giurlando has […]

Trent University


Giglioli, Matteo

Matteo Giglioli is Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy. His current research focuses on Oligarchic participation in democratic politics, internet surveillance and public trust.   Research Interests: Oligarchic participation in democratic politics, Internet surveillance, Public trust.

University of Bologna


Fumarola, Andrea

Andrea Fumarola is currently Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Comparative Politics where he also works on “The Politics of  Inequality Project” directed by Dr. Yvette Peters. He is member of the Department’s research group on Citizens, Opinion and Representation (MOR). Andrea got a PhD in Political Science in July 2017 from LUISS ‘Guido Carli’ University in Rome (Italy) with a thesis on the determinants of electoral accountability in eleven Central and Eastern European countries under the supervision of Prof. […]

University of Bergen


Crum, Ben

Ben Crum is Professor of Political Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is also the director of the VU School of Governance and a work package leader in the Horizon2020 RECONNECT project (‘Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law’). Crum studied political science at the University of Amsterdam and the London School of Economics, and holds a PhD from the European University Institute Florence. Before joining the Vrije Universiteit in 2004, he worked at the […]

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Network on Democracy

This group of scholars reflects the collaboration of the “Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy” project and the “Populism and its Effects on Liberal Democracy: Minority Rights and Freedom of Speech” project. We connect scholars with wider public audiences through public events, webinars, video interviews, media outreach, blogs, mentorship of policy memos, and an open access database

Migration Experts

The project Canada Europe Dialogue on Migration: Cross-Border Mobility and the European Union Refugee Crisis – CEDoM” brought together a multi-disciplinary expert group in the field of the governance of borders and migration. It promoted exchange between Canada and the EU in scholarly and broader public debates with the aim to expand the knowledge of European integration through the lens of migration and border studies in Canada.

Memory Politics Group

This Network reflects the collaboration between the Jean Monnet Network “European Memory Politics:  Populism, Nationalism and the Challenges to a European Memory Culture 2019-2023” . The Network is a partnership between the Center for Global Studies (CFGS) at the University of Victoria and the Institute for Political Studies (IEP) at the University of Strasbourg  (France), the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  (Poland) and the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Social Sciences in Budapest (Hungary).